Thursday, 9 August 2007

What to do and not to do in Russia.

• Football fans are recommended to be vigilant when drinking alcohol and to be aware of pickpockets in the Metro.

• Don’t commit acts of theft: the local authorities will lock you up rather than deport or fine you.

• Don’t become involved with drugs during your visit. The Russian authorities have a zero tolerance attitude towards drugs, both hard and soft. Penalties are severe and can result in long-term jail sentences.
An example of this: a British citizen caught at the airport in possession of 20 grams of cannabis in 2003, served a three-year sentence in a prison where there is a 90% rate of HIV/AIDS infection amongst inmates.

• Don’t turn up at the stadium inebriated. Security will be tight and you will be refused entry.

• Don’t leave drinks unattended in bars as they may be spiked. Be very aware of strangers offering to buy you drinks (avoid bars at railway stations).

• Don’t smoke or drink in Red Square. It is illegal and you will be arrested.

• Check the validity of your visa before travelling. The British Embassy cannot extend the validity of your visa for you.

• You will have to complete a migration card on arrival. One half you should surrender to the immigration officer, the other half you must retain with your passport (to be handed over on leaving Moscow). If you lose this you may have problems leaving the country.

• The hotel should register your visa and passport with the authorities when you book in if you are staying longer than three working days.

• Carry your passport at all times. You may be stopped in the street by the police and need to produce it as ID (a copy is not sufficient).

• Keep a separate photocopy of your passport and visa.

• Safeguard your wallet and passport. Pickpockets will target visiting football fans, particularly in Metro stations, Red Square and bars.

• If detained or arrested, insist on contacting the embassy on 9567298 (from within Moscow). This number is manned 24 hours. The Embassy staff will do what they can to help but if you have broken the law they cannot arrange for you to be released from detention.

• Moscow police cannot impose 'on the spot' fines. If a policeman tries to fine you for a supposed infringement insist on calling the Embassy.

• The Embassy cannot provide you with money in any circumstance

under 19s lose

Celtis under 19s lose to Falkirk.

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